Who or which is the best car manufacturer?

Of A Secret

+First of all i know i promised something for this post but before that, i have something to say, i have a condition, not fatal or harmful in any way but it is kind of special to me and some and might be creepy or freaky to the rest, i realized i had this condition quite long ago when out of nowhere i noticed the difference. Then recently, out of boredom i tried googling for the answer and reasons for my condition, it was called Heterochromia Iridium. Im not going to explain this in detail, google it and do some reading on it. I have kept this "secret" until now but only very very few people know this as it WAS very unnoticeable plus they realized it only after i told them. As for the thing i promised before, its on its way dont worry ;) Gooday people and Happy 2010!!

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